A1418, 2013 iMac slim Retina data recovery situation
The 2013 retina model comes with two hard drives. One is small 128gb ssd pcie and the other drive is the traditional hard drive with spinning platters and heads. Both drives work together. If one fails, the data is gone. A lot of times computer repair technicians make mistakes in this kind of situation due to improper knowledge of this type of combination.
Customers who have 2013 models must be very careful when they have the following symptoms. If the iMac is slow opening applications, freezing, startup issue, colored beach ball, white line moving from left to right at startup, rebooting, black screen, question mark, no entry sign, customers should show the computer to a certified professionals who can assess the situation correctly in order to decide what steps can be taken to either repair or recover the data. Computer technicians are advised not to format or delete any of the two drives. If you have a situation like this, Data Recovery Onsite can help and recover your important business or personal data.